What We Have

Dari Waktu-kewaktu kami semakin berkembang dari segala aspek, baik dalam perkembangan Gedung, area lokasi kerja, teknologi, menagment,maupun proses produksi yang semakin berkualitas dan terus berkembang.

safety first

We put safety at first in our production line, with ISO standard process (ISO 9001:2015), we will guarantee that your product manufactured with safety as top priority.

well equiped production Facility

We understand that technology is a core for excelence and quality product, therefore we always update our production facility with cutting edge production facility and process.

Legal and Certifcate

Legal and Standard certificate allways our priority, to make sure you allways have peace mind when doing business with us, we will take care all your legal matters. Get Legal approval less than industry standard time.

Wide Range of Product

created by our research and development team for Cosmetic and skincare, we have almost 2000 ready formula from wide range of the beauty product, make you always have flexibilty to enter the market

Cutting-edge Formulations:

we understand that cosmetic industry is fast pacing industry with blazzing innovation, we have almost 50 Research and Development team to create new formula and more than 2000 ready tested formula to make sure you allways be the first company to release new innovative product in the industry.

Industry Expertise:

we will provide you for end to end solution with expertise team to help you at top of the business in the beauty care industry. High skilled research and development, high quality product with standardize manufacturing, legal, sales and marketing consultant makes us as one stop solution for your business needs.

Bespoke Solutions:

Enterprise allways has unique needs, therefore we can customize allmost all aspect in beauty product, from formulation, packaging, label, ingredients to make sure you will stay competitive in the market.

gedung PT. Putikayo

A Few words about us

PT. Putikayo International Didirikan pada 13 Desember 2010 oleh ibu Haslinda, SE dan diakuisisi pada awal tahun 2019 oleh pemegang saham yang baru yaitu Bpk Toni Firmansyah yaitu pemilih saham PT SR12 Herbal Kosmetik. Melalui tangan dingin Bpk Toni Firmansyah, perusahaan kini mampu melampaui penjualan tahun-tahun sebelumnya dan memperoleh laba yang cukup signifikan..


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